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To read editions of the SWS SCENE newsletters from previous months, select from the buttons on the bottom of this page.
Did you know...SWS has made a "SCENE" since the 1960's?!

On the "members only" side of the this website, SWS members have access to an archive of the SWS newsletters going back to June of 1969. It's a real treat to take a step back in time and read about a paint-out in June '69. Interested participants were directed to go to Renner, Texas (now part of Dallas), "Travel north on Coit Road from Dallas to end, turn left, go to Bannister St., turn right, got to First St. Stop. You will be surrounded by old homes, sheds, and the village blacksmith shop, etc. Great material!"

Below are newsletters from the past year. If you are a member of SWS, log in to see the entire archive of newsletters going back to 1969. The past year's Scene are listed here for the members and our website visitors alike.